Address To Prayer And Fast Participants, Part 1

Date: 1974-07-29
Barrytown, New York

Master Speaks

Translated by Mr. David S.C. Kim

I am very, very glad to see you. You are healthy. You are full of vitality. Actually, Father planned to spend two days with you, since you arrived with victory, but he changed his mind. While you are listening to Principle lectures, he wanted to be on the sea to catch fish for you. In order to feed 600 people, it is not an easy job for him to catch enough fish in only two days. The first day he did not have much success because of the weather. So he took a drastic measure, as he always does, and for 24 hours he battled on the ship and on the sea in his heavenly boat. On the second day he made a record -- 162 bluefish for you.

On the first day he caught 47 tuna, which are very hard to catch, because this is a very tricky fish. But now there is a total of 202 fish waiting for you. You may not understand the significance of catching fish like our Father does, but there are two parallel events going on. The first is catching fish in the ocean, and the second is your study of the truth of life and resurrection, the words of life. The problem is that the Western and the Oriental ways of reasoning are opposite. Usually, Oriental women are not in favor of going out to sea. If he adopts the opposite way of reasoning, I don't know whether American women would be in favor of his going out to the sea or not. (Yes.) Then his theory is proven. I understand those who are shouting with enthusiasm are from the girls' circle. You have no experience at all in fishing.

He analyzed, observed all men of the crew who were with him for a few days. Now I see they are hesitant to go out if he calls them again to come with him. You are young people, so for the future's sake, you have to learn many things. You have to experience many, many things. It is still mysterious for you, all of you; you have a treasure, a heavenly treasure in which we have a new philosophy, a new thought. We have some material with which we can build a new culture, a new civilization for the world. For those who are not academically oriented people, this material seems very simple when you listen to the Principle and the lectures on Unification Thought. But for those who are academically advanced, those who really are educated people, they will be fascinated by this content-really more than they have searched for-it is really a heavenly treasure. They will value it.

It is an amazing thing. Through the Divine Principle, all areas of thought, even Christianity, which has never touched the core of God's providence, can easily be understood. A distinct, clear picture will be grasped through the lectures in a short period of time. It is mysterious, a mystery.

In this gigantic scheme of new thought, new philosophy, a new explanation of the universe is emerging. This means that God is behind it. We are not just guessing. We are presenting the truth, not just based on imagination or guesswork. It is fact. Who made all this? God made, revealed all this. Also, this fact is verified, confirmed, and systematically, scientifically proven. Does this kind of truth emerge accidentally? No. This appearance of new truth in the Divine Principle is a miracle of miracles in the 20th century, because things of the past, which all philosophers and thinkers have been searching for thousands of years have never touched the core of this issue. Now it has appeared while you are on earth. This is a decisive fact, that through the Principle, an explanation of the heavenly kingdom and earthly kingdom is given which shows that there is a connection between heaven and earth.

There is only one hope for mankind, which is fallen. It is through this message. Let me give an example. There are many ways to reach Washington, D.C. There are highways, minor roads in the city, small towns to go through, avenues and lanes-many ways, roads through which you can reach the destination. If anyone discovers a shortcut to Washington, D.C., many people will seek it. Even those who are guides, might show you the wrong road, even though they are trying to force you in their way, you will never listen to them, because you know the shortcut and go the way of salvation. Then you will criticize them, "You don't know the truth. You don't know the world. You don't have the knowledge I have."

Then through whom does this kind of wonderful message for the new age, for mankind come'? Through our Father, Reverend Moon, it has appeared on earth. As you study, you learn from Adam's family, through Noah, Abraham, and Jesus that this period was a 4,000-year long dispensational course. It is systematically and very clearly explained, crystal clear in explaining the dispensational course. This message doesn't come from someone's imagination. Truth is beyond imagination. Truth must be factual. Fact should be based on substantial evidence. Based on its accomplishments or achievements, Christianity has no foundation. The only substantial foundation on earth from God is our Father. But this kind of accomplishment does not come without labor. Experiences and effort on his part led him to this important discovery.

Now, not only he is bringing it out but he is also practicing this truth on earth in physical ways and he is pursuing the realization of truth right now in his daily life. He ranks among other saints and philosophers. In his one generation he set up this, all this by himself, and is practicing and realizing his truth in a material sense in daily life. No other person in the past ever reached that level of thinking or reasoning. But he is doing it right now.

Let's look at Jesus. He confined himself to the Jewish people in that nation. Confucius confined himself to China. Buddhism started from India and reached only to the Far East. Mohammed was in the Middle East and African area. Beyond his nationality and tribe, he is influencing young people like you throughout the world, and he is influencing the Western world. This is the first time in history that both the Eastern world and Western world are being influenced.

This is an amazing fact, that 2,000 years of historical Christianity is far behind us. Also, they are looking at us, because of our tremendous advance in many areas which they may never have thought about. Within less than two years, the work he is doing in this world, and especially in America, has caused a tremendous anxiety and a dreadful feeling In the fundamental Christian world. They are beginning to realize this. But even if a partial segment of Christianity does oppose us, since they have no truth, they will be defeated; we are the victors. You have to have confidence in yourself and your ability. Your accomplishments count in every field. Let them oppose by all means, by drastic measure or whatever, we will multiply; they will decrease.

In the past twenty years, they have been persecuting me in every way, in Korea and in other places, but I have completely ignored them. Now as time gradually goes by, they are at the bottom, down, down, down, and they can't even compete with us. But Father does not feel happy when he looks at this process. Also, he has to save those who oppose him, so he is even thinking, of some measure through which his ex-opponents can be saved in the future. You should be that kind of person, so open-minded and open-hearted to embrace even your enemy. Would you like to be that kind of open-minded person? In every way, I want you to be broad-minded, open-minded and a person of tolerance.

Those who have enough tolerance can be available when an emergency arises, so I want you to be a person of tolerance, embracing everything, totally, any day. Even though you are on the verge of dying, you will not be influenced; you will be ready to overcome that situation. If a man of no confidence will become anxious, he will get into trouble.

The purpose of teaching the Divine Principle is to educate, train, and discipline the people to have confidence under any other circumstances, any hardships. Can you understand? Would you like to be that kind of a person? This Principle covers everything, heaven and earth, but it has to go beyond that. To become confident in everything, you should know the truth. You should be knowledgeable of everything. And that has to be followed by action, not just talking. Through the doors, you will be building accomplishments. Confidence, accomplishment, and achievement will bring the victory over all things. Those who have this kind of qualification will never receive any word of defeat.

Now, Father has accomplished so much within a short period of time, but he followed this formula: confidence and then achievement. Then you should practice his realization in your daily life. It is very puzzling for you, how he could realize or observe this gigantic content, or how did he do it? This is a curious point. If you are going to understand a sorrowful person, you must have experienced the same sorrowful situation, or you don't understand it. Just thinking or reasoning about the sorrowful condition does not work, unless you have some practical experience. Have you ever experienced sorrow and real pain? This sorrow extends from the individual and through the family, to the whole world. How much sorrow have you experienced for your own self? Not myself-daily needs, daily sustenance-but the deep problems of life have to be connected with my sorrowful feelings.

Have you ever thought about this feeling, extended to the family situation-yours or others? Through the Bible we know that all things are groaning under Satan's control. Have you ever plunged into yourself the universal feeling of sorrow and pain on the national, and world level? Have you ever tasted this true kind of meaning of sorrow and pain?

Beyond fasting one day, or one week, have you risked the problem of life and death? Have you ever really plunged yourself into the real issue of sorrow and pain? That's why you don't know the real heart of a sorrowful person. Human life is the road of pain and sorrow. Without knowing that, you don't understand what human life is. A person is great when, beyond the individual level, he senses and plunges himself into the experience of this kind of world and universal pain and sorrow. This person will be regarded as a great man.

Beyond sorrow, you have to experience pain in order to be a person of accomplishments. Have you ever experienced pain? The third experience will be resentment. You are unreasonably building up a grudge or resentment, influenced by others. You have to think of that area. When you look at this world from this aspect, this world is not a happy world; it is not a world of freedom, it is not based on the happiness for the whole world.

Then, seriously, we have to think what percent of this world, population, has been feeling happiness. Even though you Americans are leaders of the free nations and are more advanced, and even though to other nations you are very wealthy and look like happy persons, Master cannot see any very happy person in America. Are you happy now? Because you are a member of the Unification Church you are happy. Even though she is the target of envy of all nations, America is not a happy nation. The happy people of America may confront the terrible misery of sorrow and pain very soon. Don't you think that Americans cannot escape this kind of direction?

Now America is declining from the top to the bottom right now. This is just like an ocean wave, with ups and downs. Then who will be the friend of such a troubled world'? Shall we say, "Let them suffer with sorrow and pain. I don't care about it"? Shall we say, "You live in hell. I don't care about it. I will live in the kingdom. " We cannot do that. Those who avoid this aren't facing reality and may be the first victims of the pain and sorrow.

Now, America has been helping Korea in many substantial ways, through the military and economic aid. The land of Korea may not necessarily be below America all the time. The position may be turned around. Nobody wants to be doomed to destruction. Nobody in this world wants to be defeated or destroyed. But, we know the world is on the verge of perishing. Under these circumstances, when you look at this world, who is going to be responsible for this world of peril, destruction, pain, and sorrow? From the worldly sense, nobody even dares to think of saving them.

Some in political circles or authority may say, "We don't care about the Middle East. We don't care about Asia. Pan Americanism, isolationism may be fitting to us, the big nation of America. " They might think that way. America and other nations, especially of the free world, have had a fantastic experience through the energy crisis and gasoline shortage. This is a good lesson. This is symbolic of the tendency or direction of this world-shortage of gas, a shortage of conscience.

Again, when you look at this world of pain and sorrow and despair, who is there to declare responsibility for saving this whole world? Even if there is one person who will save this kind of problem world it will be fantastic. The great American nation never even thinks along this line that he is presenting to you. There is no hope from a worldly sense. Have you ever thought to save the whole world, with all its troubles? If one or any group even dares to save this problem world, it will be fantastic. It will be an epoch-making history for the whole world. If such a person appears, he will not do this kind of work to bring the results. All the history to come will consider him a great man. If this person appears and realizes it, the generations to come which taste his happiness, will even pull these people to their side to verify what this person has done for them and for the whole world.

We can conclude that this kind of a person, with this reasoning for the whole of mankind, will be the greatest of the great men. There is a vast difference between heaven and earth. There are power-hungry persons utilizing their power to become extreme dictators. There is a vast difference between the heaven and earth, between the two persons. Then the issue will be, "Where can we find a true person?" Some might say, "Let's look for this category of person from another culturally developed area than America. " Can you find this kind of person walking this cultural circle? You cannot find this kind of person in the cultural circle. We cannot find this category of person in this contemporary world.

A good person and a true person will appear, someone who is willing to sacrifice and taste the same sorrow and pain in the midst of the problem world. This is the way we have to look at the world. Who is the happiest or greatest person? Those who are trying to lead to a happier world, or those who are willing to sacrifice themselves in the midst of sorrow? Those who sacrifice. If the American people had sacrificed all of their fortune from heaven, and given it to the whole world, to save their problem of pain and sorrowful despair, they would have become the great people. But they did not. If somebody in this nation practiced it some time ago even though the nation may have perished the spirit of this kind of thought should remain forever.

It is logical that all of the ideal world will be occupied by the kind of person he described. Ordinary people may think, " What can we do? I have nothing to do with the pain of the family, group, nation, or world. I don't care about it." Then if he plunges into that world, to make the sorrowful and painful world into a happy and joyful world, he's got both worlds right there.

If America sacrifices for the world and the receiving nations that will make a harmonious trip. We can have it together. You should know that Father initiated this work up to this present time. You have to seriously think how he made it. What is our destination?

If there is a God, when He looks down at this earth, which side will He take: that of those who selfishly love themselves alone, that of those who care or the people who want to be at the front in sacrificing to save the world in the midst of its pain and sorrow? God will naturally take the side of the second. He is the Lord of this kind of category. The Lord and master will suffer first, so Heavenly Father will take the side of the second category of people who are sacrificing. So he set up the concept: "God is a God of pain and sorrow." He set up that theory and because of this, He can be God.

The conclusion will be that those who are God's people should take care of the pain and sorrow in the troubled world. If He does not take care of this category, He may not be God. Through history, all the sages, saints and prophets from heaven especially practiced this way. They realized this concept that Father set up. So he found out that is why God is existing. All the saints and prophets chose and explored this kind of road and destination. Even though those people suffered, were persecuted at that age and abandoned by that generation, because of God behind them, their names remain eternally. Do you believe that when he was young he was reasoning along this line? So, he has been thinking along this line.

Then what will happen when you sympathize with a man of pain and sorrow? What kind of person will you be? If you win these people troubled with sorrow and pain, once you try to give everything, then that person will qualify. If the person of sorrow and pain receives something beyond his pain and sorrow, he will be satisfied. The problem is that because of the fall, we have no real family, no true parents, no real father and mother, no real brothers and sisters-everything fell. That's the problem right there, the fall.

When you look at the aspects of sorrow, what are they'? It's very simple. Because of the parents, the children are sorrowful. Sometimes sorrow comes through the relationship of a husband and wife. This is a family pain. Also, it expands to national pain and sorrow, and then world sorrow. We can put some of the universal, cosmic sorrow there. The sorrowful man receives the whole cosmos and whole world, the good nation, good tribe, good family, good parents, good wife or husband, and good children. It's all. That's the answer there.

If the real individual, family, and world are given to the person of sorrow and pain, what will happen" The solution will be right there. Then naturally, unnecessary sorrows and pain shall go away. Then if we are given all this kind of "real" thing, everything has a solution. Then if this person with sorrow and pain has real ones, does he feel sorrowful or painful? No, even in the midst of a painful situation he will not feel pain; he will feel happiness and joy. Even if his neck is cut, he will feel happy.

Because he can be a real individual, real husband, real father of his family, real leader of the nation, and whole world, he can feel sorrowful and painful. Even in the midst of that, he will overcome that situation. If you die even in the midst of sorrowful tears, that is not pain or sorrow. That's a glorious thing. We have never experienced such real tears of sorrow of real parents, real father and mother, and real leader. If we experience that, we will be beyond pain and sorrow.

Everybody has the desire, when dying to die surrounded by his or her real husband or wife or real sweetheart. That is the human feeling of real love. So, even if you die in the midst of sorrow and pain, that's not sorrow; that's joy and satisfaction.

I have sought this heavenly research. This is the only remedy, formula, recipe for overcoming sorrow. This is the beginning of the appearance of the Unification Church. This is just a beginning. If we give this kind of heavenly formula to mankind and the whole world for overcoming sorrow and pain, we will have a fantastic message. Even our Heavenly Father will be in the midst of this formula. If Father comes down here, the Heavenly Father comes down: that's not an unhappy situation. If the real individual, family, tribe, nation and world were formed centering on God, there would have never even been a terminology of sorrow and pain.

The only universal key to solving the problem, centering on God is the real individual, restored individual, real family, tribe, and nation. If it's given to the whole world, that is the only one left. This is the real issue to put into practice. This is a gigantic task to put this into a practical setting -- not necessarily a blueprint -- through which this new concept of the ideal can be realized in this world.

God wants to eradicate this unhappy and evil world with pain and sorrow. The problem is, what kind of relationship exists between the individual and God? That's the main issue: God and you, the individual.

We can look at the relationship between God and man from several points of view. What are they? One possible relationship between God and man is the master-servant relationship. So, when it develops a little then there will be some possibility for the relationship between God and man to be on the adopted sons and daughters level. Some may think that there is a possibility for a relationship between God and man, as true son (not adopted) and daughter relationship. If there is a God, how are we going to realize this relationship? He just described three kinds of relationships. If God is evil, He will use man as a servant eternally. But God is a good God and He will use discipline and training, to raise the standard beyond that of the master-servant relationship.

Because He is a God of goodness, and not of evil, God will maintain the relationship of master, but He will first come down to serve on the level of servants. So, if the servant does not know how to serve as a servant, God will tell him the qualifications of service as a servant.

For the second level of relationship, God may pick up the good servant and elevate him to the level of adopted son or daughter. God is a good God and so wants to have His own children. So from the adopted children, He will pick up and choose His real sons and daughters. God naturally uses the selection process, because He cannot trust all of them. Even among the servants, He will pick up some of them, testing them. Sometimes He gives a test. Sometimes He gives the pain and sorrow intentionally, to try out whether he can be selected for raising up to a higher level.

From the early days, before he read the Bible, Father was thinking along this line which he is giving to you. He thought about this gigantic scheme from God's point of view. When master looks at this kind of selection, from God's point of existence there is definitely a God existing. God exists. So, with this concept, he searched the Bible and found a similar thought in the Bible, which to him is a great book. In this way, human history has developed and evolved.

Now, this concept is just fitting to the Divine Principle. The Old Testament age was the age of the master-servant relationship of man with God; the New Testament age is the adopted son and daughter stage, and the Completed Testament age is the true son and daughter relationship. The role of substantially raising this on earth, from God's point of view, has been taken by Christianity for 2,000 years. Christianity is the religion which sympathizes with the man of sorrow and pain. Christianity developed in the midst of death, right in the dungeon of death, where they comforted the dying person. They sympathized or comforted the dead and dying. That's how God is a God of human history.

Also, God is a God of practicality. He is not just guessing. Through all kinds of symbolism, He practices this theory. So, we have to meet God in the reality of this world. We have to know what God is doing right now. In the future, what is His plan? If this formula fits together, you don't have to look for God; God will be right there with you. Not only theoretically but in a practical sense, our God is in the midst of us, in our history.

So, in order to initiate this kind of work, you have to proclaim, "I am going to do this kind of thing." What kind of a person can you as an individual be in the presence of God? Would you like to be a servant? An adopted child? Real son and daughter of God? Even among real sons and daughters, some are pious sons, sometimes good, sometimes naughty, sometimes very good. There are three kinds of real children: the more loyal and pious, the ordinary and the opposite A class, B class, and C class children. I want you to be the pious, A class, children of God. So, if you want to become the A class children-pious, good children-you are supposed to compete with God.

Any father wants his son or daughter to be superior to the parents, so God wants anybody to compete with Him. He will welcome it. Later, you will get the blessing and as husband and wife, you will have children. You become parents at that time. No parent likes to have children inferior to himself. Isn't that so? Everybody wants to have his children superior to himself. (Yes.) Likewise, God wants you to be superior. Then you have even to compete with His strategy, to be better than Him. If Father says, " You do it, " you say, " No problem at all. I will do more that that."

First of all, you've got to have no more suspicion or doubt than past saints, sages, and prophets had concerning God's will. You should be more loyal, without even the slightest part of doubt toward God and truth-that's important. Not the slightest doubt-that is the first qualification. Even if the parents are the cruelest parents, picking on you and persecuting you, you will say, "I have no doubt at all." You should be that kind of children. God will welcome this kind of children.

In that sense, Father does not accept Jesus' Gethsemane prayer, and the prayer of Jesus Christ on the cross, "Father, why has thou forsaken me?" He does not buy that kind of terrible statement. It should be more than that. He should have stated more than that phrase. Under any circumstances, individuals should have no complaint at all, even under the cross. Even if under those circumstances you die, you will remain so. Heavenly Father is far above fallen mankind. Even in the worldly sense, parents will admire this kind of son, how much more the Heavenly Father. If you make this kind of statement, He will be with you, in the same sorrow and pain. He will be in the midst of you. You have to be the person to stimulate the Heavenly Father in an intensive way.

You will want to be the only one to influence the Heavenly Father in this way, being good children of God. Father had such a determination in the early days. So since that time, Father has not had the slightest complaint to the Heavenly Father-spiritual storm, hurricane, and persecution-under any circumstances he continued the statement he made. With this concept and practice, he explored the spiritual world, and now he has set up the tradition with all this truth. You must not think this is an easy job; you must not think this is the new tradition. But with this concept and practice, he explored the spiritual world, and now he has set up the tradition with all this truth. You must not think this is an easy job; by himself, without unity in the spirit world, he cannot begin his work of ministering on earth. That is not an easy job. You may think, "How in the world did he do it in a short period of time?" You may think this is very easy but he had to explore a tremendous job.

Unification in the spirit world and the Unification Church on earth-this is the tradition he has set up, up to now. Because he is proclaiming, "I am thy son, " since that time there is nothing to be dreaded or worried about. It was his duty, because God has been suffering with sorrow and pain for so many thousands of years, as His son, to visit first to the dungeon of hell with sorrow and pain. He traveled to that place. That means he did any kind of job, any kind of occupation, everything in the world. As of now he is doing the same thing.

Unless you have practical experience as a leader, you are not a real leader. Father never prayed for himself. He never said, "Please do something for me. " Instead, he prayed, "Centering on God's will, I will save the whole world. I don't care too much about my family (Mother is not here) because Heavenly Father and the spirit world will take care of her better than me, so why am I serious?" His only concern is the will of God. We are carrying the will of God. Let's go into the hurricane and typhoon; let's have that kind of attitude. Any kind of a hindrance will be smashed away.

Do you think it is an easy job for an Oriental to come here and do this kind of work in America? Is it an easy job, or a difficult job? It is most difficult job. Compared with you Americans, how much harder is it for him to accomplish all these things. The harder the better for him, because when he gets into trouble, he will bring the victory. If I like to, I can use these people 24 hours without sleeping. I will do it far better than them. You say, "Twelve o'clock is time to go to bed." You are thinking. "It is time to have lunch. " The main point is that even the sleeping and eating time should be good all the time. If you sleep for the sake of sleeping, it is not good. If you sleep for God, it becomes good. If you think, "Because I have many things to take care of, because of physical limitations, I'm sleeping -- then that's good. If it is centered on you, that's not good. Good is the eternal element, so 24 hours should be centered on God on a continual basis. Now if you say that out of 24 hours, just the morning is good and then the rest of the afternoon is not good, not God's will, your activity is of no use-cut it off. There is no continuation there. A continual basis, centering on God's will, is important. Wherever you are, whatever you do-sleeping, eating, working, witnessing, and so forth -- if it is centered totally on the will of God, it becomes good. Are you that way? Not yet, huh? In the process you just have lots of complaints. Instead of being totally dedicated, you are one-sided all the time. Instead of using both hands, you use just one. Instead of both legs, you use just one. That's the partial will of God.

When he came to America, and saw the members doing this kind of half dedicated work, half centered on the will of God, he became furious. Because of one person's attitude, he thought, 20 million Americans are dying. It's a serious question. As for statistics, 360 thousand of the total population are dying away from this group every day because they know nothing about the new message. One hundred percent of the population is dying and 200 million people are dying, going to hell, not knowing the truth.

So Heavenly Father will be painful in His heart. This is the only message through which salvation comes. Because you are tired, because you are not doing this kind of job for the dying souls of mankind, you have to get up. Even when you die, centering on God's will, with left-over business, you have to fulfill. He thinks you have never yet reached that stage of total dedication. If Father gives you a little pressure, you are frightened and you just become vegetables. God cannot pick up the really good children from among this kind of people. Maybe that kind of people will come under the servant category, or at the most, adopted children of God, but not real children.

In his early life of faith, he never tasted persecution. Why didn't he? Even in the dungeon of hell, near to death, he never felt that persecution. Even though he bled, he never prayed for himself for God to help him. Near to his death, he picked up his blood and raised hand, praying for all mankind, "Father, accept this blood. " That kind of prayer he offered to God, not -Help me, God". He never said that. That means Heavenly Father loves our Master, Reverend Moon, our Messiah. Why does he give you this kind of story? Because you don't know the true history of the Unification Church, you don't yet know the real heart of the Heavenly Father and the heart of our True Parents. If you reach that state, to touch the heart of the Heavenly Father, heart of the True Parents, a spiritual connection will be automatically formed right there. Because the world of heart is the essence of the unity of the whole cosmos, you will automatically be connected to him. Those who frequently or every day see the True Parents in dreams or visions, raise hands. Those who see our True Parents in visions or dreams raise your hands, please. All Unification members should reach the stage in which even in dreams you can see the True Parents. In the higher level of the world of heart, even if our True Parents are not with you physically, they will always guide you in spirit, and you will see our True Parents appearing to you.

This is the real characteristic of the Unification Church. No other religion or group has this. In the Christian world, it is very hard even to see a vision of Jesus Christ. But contrary to that, if you come to the Unification Church, totally dedicated, exploring the world of the heart, even within a week you can be guided in your dream or visions to see our Master. All those IOWC Commanders and directors think they know the Principle well, but to him, they have a long way to go and they are many years behind what he originally expected.

The Divine Principle covers up to Jesus Christ's ministry, the dispensation centering on Jesus Christ. Nothing is mentioned in the Divine Principle about our Master and our True Parents yet. You should understand how the dispensation of God's restoration providence is being fulfilled right now, not 2,000 years ago. You will lag far behind if you don't listen to what he is saying, teaching, and preaching-his special message to you. Unless you study, you will be far behind, because the Divine Principle never described it. Are you curious to know all what is going on?

Have you ever thought about what would happen if the True Parents were given a nation by somebody. Have you every thought about that? What would happen if our True Parents got the whole world? What is he going to do? Do you even dare to think, "If I could provide our True Parents, freely, without any interference for his ideal family, can I do it?" Have you ever thought about that kind of thing. You should see what his ideal world, ideal family looks like before you die. So, we have to realize before our physical deaths. We have to realize what the ideal family life can be like.

Father is going to approach you, to teach you what the ideal family looks like. You have to realize this before you go to spirit world. Don't you want to do that? So, in order to be in this category, you have to have a solid foundation within you. Then on a solid foundation you can build up the house. In order to build it, you've got to have good building materials and a screening process. Some kinds of dust have to go out. All the secular dust or dirt has to be taken away. This period is really a drastic changing period. Change will take place.

He is offering a variety of activities to you, sometimes giving you the chance to witness; suddenly you go raising funds, suddenly you go to a three-day fast, then suddenly you go to a demonstration. Such a variety of activities will come to you as a screening process. This screening means the formation of your foundation for yourself. Sometimes you have to hammer and punch, all kinds of construction activity is going on. Sometimes you complain, "I am an old-timer. Why did they put me on this sort of lower job, manual job?" Some may complain about it. Father senses everything that you think and do. Then this means that the total concept of centering on God does not fit. This means that the person will be egotistically oriented, not God's material; you want to be your own material. That's egotistic.

His idea is to build a beautiful heavenly building in which you can enjoy the ideal family life. So, the interior decoration should be well done. Practically, he supervises and gives some idea, but he wants to improve it more. So, do you think it is a very easy job to do all those things'? This is a hard job, but you have to think as that; the person who initiates all this should work harder than you people. The chief contractor of a big building usually worries about it all the time, day and night, and even after work.

But you are builders or carpenters in whatever section you may be assigned. You do your part, but the chief contractor has to think of the total. Master is doing that. So, you should understand a different dimension than what you have been thinking of. You want to be your own kind of material, but Father wants you to be another material to fit the record or third dimensional building of the kingdom. So, his idea is different. Do you prefer this new tradition to build it in a nice way, would you prefer a poor way"? Even at the sacrifice of ten thousand or a hundred thousand people, he is in the position to carry out the eternal building of the heavenly kingdom.

Americans of the next generation will want the permanently built kingdom for them, not temporarily. I don't want you to be a temporary spectator; I want you to be a participant. You will be the master of the building of the kingdom. Would you like that'? Two categories of people will appear; one is those who Just work hard but go away as a spectator. The second is the lord of the building of the kingdom of heaven. Would you like to be the lord of the whole thing, or would you like to be the servant of the program? A servant is not responsible for anything. An irresponsible person is a servant. He is concerned about the money, the reward. He is not concerned about the work to be done.

Those who come to this Unification Church be cause of friends or the excitement, and so forth, will, can very easily be in the category of spectators and visitors, just going away. Those who regard the Divine Principle as just an ordinary book, will be among those who will go away very soon. If the Divine Principle is the only book left in this world, what would you do with it? When he wrote the original text of the Divine Principle, he thought: "This is the only one of value." What if this original manuscript disappeared? Our True Parents thought, "If I died, what would have happened?" The world will come and go; there will be no hope in the world. Have you ever thought with this seriousness about the Divine Principle? You have to think seriously of this Divine Principle textbook. It is the source to which the individual, nation, tribe, and whole world, will be fatally related: heaven and earth depends upon this one book.

Those who don't recognize the value of the Divine Principle, how can they develop their spirituality to the level of connection to the world of heart? It is impossible. The best way to overcome the situation is to become childlike, just as Jesus said.

In the early days, Master realized that the Heavenly Father loved him most. It is definitely true. Then with this concept, "I belong to Him; I am His son," all problems are solved. The Heavenly Father put him in the worst situation in this world, but he knew that God loves our True Parents. Eventually the Heavenly Father led him through the path of turmoil and gave him the final stage of perfection and comfort and a safe place. Because of God's love toward him, Master realized why He put him in such a dungeon of hell, because God wanted to give more love to him. This is the formula; he got it in the early days. Do you understand the testimony he is giving?

This is a different part of the connection between the Heavenly Father and him. He knows God loves him most, but in practice, God put him in the opposite position. Most of the time it looked like He didn't love him. This is the problem. So, he had to go through persecution and a hard, painful, and sorrowful path, in which he may think God did not love him. After all this tribulation given by God he felt this way temporarily, but in the long run, he knows that God loves him, so he interpreted it as, "He wanted to train me in order to give more of His love. That's why He put me there." So, he solved the problem.

Those who complain in the life of faith have great difficulty in getting total salvation. Even if the other members of the family do not recognize you, it doesn't matter, if you really are centered on His will. The problem is how you, the individual, will fulfill your responsible part. I understand that during your four or five days training session, many inconveniences may have appeared, or are appearing to you, before you go back to your own states. He understands that hardship. From the Western point of view, this kind of seating arrangement looks oriental; it is incredible, they cannot understand all this. So, he sympathizes with you in this part, but you have to overcome it. Sometimes your legs are accustomed, sometimes your hips will be a little uncomfortable. Now you are managing very well. Because of all this, I love you more, and I appreciate you for all of this. Thank you.

The world of heart is being initiated in relationships like this between him and you right now. Sometimes the world of heart is not necessarily the happiest occasion. Sometimes it is sorrowful and painful. If, centering on his will, it is more sorrowful and painful causing a deeper relationship, more love comes from above. This is the secret.

Father has experienced many, many things which you cannot even imagine. Occasionally, he goes to New York City, and happens to see your fund-raising team. Even at a distance, he thinks of you people, who are working hard in downtown New York City. He saw many kinds of people responding to you, in different ways-sometimes complete rejection, sometimes half responding, half ignoring. But you accept all this - Under these circumstances I if you are rejected by the satanic people, you have to remember the connected world of heart, the Heavenly Father and True Parents. He is connected with you, and you are loved all the time you are with him.

If you feel that God is giving you this chance to be more elevated spiritually under these circumstances, you may think, "Oh, Heavenly Father is giving this chance to offer me a higher, more responsible position," then this prayer will directly infiltrate the heart of the Heavenly Father. When Father looks at this kind of thing on the street when His children are receiving rejection, he feels he is receiving rejection the same as you people receive it. So, he feels oneness with you.

Sometimes, Father walks among the pedestrians and the fund-raising team greets him. Then he feels guilty, because he lets these people do this kind of work. Always, when he looks at the girls who are not well dressed, he thinks, "You wait for a while. I will give you the best dress. " He thinks the same thing of the men. So, he feels this way whenever those who are working hard pass by. Then Father feels, "By all means I will be the victor over the whole world. " So, victory will go to you people. This is the heart of God, the feeling of the Heavenly Father.

If on the street you complain, what will happen? Nothing is accomplished. If you carry this kind of heart under any other circumstances, you are in good shape. When you look at him making all these gigantic accomplishments in his short life time, you have to think, "he is able to do any thing he feels or wishes. So, I want you to be like-minded to him. " While you are young, you need training and discipline. That's why he invests this program, for your sake.

During this period of training, you have to know who our True Parents are. Your main purpose is not for yourself, but how you are going to sacrifice yourself for the world, to eliminate sorrow and pain in this world. His wish is for you to keep this in mind: you are sacrificing yourself to bring the Heavenly Father to the man of sorrow, pain. You are working for an ideal, real family, and nation, and the whole world. Your mission is concentrated on this matter.

Under any circumstances to come in the future, if you complain about something, you will be left out. Even though you feel you are incapable, you have to adjust yourself. Even with your limited capacity, you have to try hard to fit into this gigantic program scheme. He is thinking of his chosen elite-the best of the True Parents as being nearly 360 people from 120 nations. From these three people will become members-the 360 genuine-best elite of our True Parents. He wants to compete with them, of the hardship and suffering he can give them, they can survive and accomplish with him.

In the heavenly boat, until 12:00 a.m., Father did by himself everything, fishing and arranging everything. Then after twelve o'clock, he went to the back and just gave the new instructions what to do. Then when we caught lots of fish and were very busy, he intentionally ignored that busy time. He just lay back, and mended the net. It looked like he was not conforming to the situation. If from early evening Father sat in the back, it might cause complaint, but half way through, he sat back, so there is no room for complaining to him. If he did it the other way, they would be curious why Father suddenly did this. Very soon he has to transfer all this responsibility to his children. Everything he set up, he will transfer to you people.

Father has been planning a gigantic, worldwide scheme. He will choose his elite from special persons and special nations. So, he wants you to have a great hope, and not stand still in your present situation. You have to advance all. the time, through hard work and serious training and discipline.

In the past, future, and present, our True Parents are the only persons who can do all this. Do you believe it'? There is nobody like him in the past, present, and of course, in the future. He has both idealistic and practical qualities. Without these qualities, you cannot be a world leader. If he goes out on the sea, nobody knows he is the founder of the Unification Church International, Reverend Moon. That's a false Reverend Moon." This is really fantastic.

So, you have to realize that meeting him is more than a coincidence. You have to know whether a good university or college has discipline and stricter rules and regulations. The same thing applies to the heavenly kingdom. You are so happy to know that. Throughout the world, millions and millions of people are desirous to have him, now and in the future. All the ideal goals of each religion and their founders, prophets, and saints are being fulfilled centering on him right now. All the martyred spirits from the 400 year period after Jesus during the Roman Empire, had a real ideal in their hope, but they did not see it. The time has come; you have it. They longed for it but they never even dared to see it. They are longing for you, because the resentment of these martyred spirits will be fulfilled centering on you. So, this is the place where such people put their hope for their liberation.

You have to understand that all the celibate life of the nuns and priests for so many long years was to meet this glorious day of hope for restoration. They had this realization in mind. Now you have it. Also, we know that the people of Israel, even though they were chosen, because of their failure, would not have realized this kind of setting and this kind of hope for all mankind and for the whole world. Many, many billions of Christians throughout the world prayed for the time of hope which you are realizing here. This is where they are looking but you have it while they don't. This is the place which the past saints and sages longed for, to see this day of hope. Why had they suffered so much with sorrow and pain? They have suffered to see the realization of this glorious day, which you have right now.

The founding fathers 200 years ago worked hard. Why? They worked to realize this kind of setting, for the hope to come. This is the place they were longing to see. For 6,000 years since the fall, God has been directing history to realize this new civilization and new culture, centering on this glorious nation of America. Also, this is the place Jesus Christ hoped for; he who would have liked to have realized 2,000 years ago this scene with you here right now. You have to know that you must be superior to Jesus' 12 disciples 2,000 years ago, by all means.

You've got to have more zeal, more determination and more accomplishment than Jesus' disciples 2,000 years ago. You have to realize that from God's point of view, He has trodden the road for 6,000 years, looking for this time which we have. He has been longing for it. Now, this is the place where God meets our True Parents and meets you people, the restored children of God. How much our Father has been longing for this time, to form this kind of trinity, centering on the Heavenly Father, our True Parents and you, to eliminate sorrow and pain in this world, to form the real individual, family, nation, and entire world. This place is more valuable than any historical relics to which many people have paid tribute, and lots of merit. This is far superior to any historical remains.

The entire Unification Church family has a heavenly mission to introduce our True Parents' face and name to the whole world. If you cannot introduce our True Parents to the people physically even through his photograph, they have to set up the condition of having met our True Parents. Otherwise, they will be in trouble in spirit world after death. Even if they did not see our True Parents physically, if they are shown the picture and asked, "Do you know this person?" and if they say, "I know him very well," that word itself will be the greater condition. For a billion, million dollars, you cannot buy this historical fact that you have met him, and further that you have been instructed and trained and disciplined by him. This is a most glorious, historical fact for you. You have to think that this kind of setting is serious.

This is really a heavenly puzzle. You have come here-consciously or unconsciously and then you are working with him to do all the heavenly tasks with heavenly responsibility centering on his will. This is a fantastic fact. Your physical condition is awkward and inconvenient, but spiritually this is a magnificent setting. You have to remember that. You have participated in a three-day fast for the nation and the whole world. It is a great condition, with symbolic and physical meaning. Father asked of the nearly 600 people a few of you must have complained within your heart. Did you? (No.) Then if nobody complained, that will be a fascinating, fantastic thing.

If you really appreciated this past three-day fast, you will never be defeated in your life of faith. This is your defense line. This is the protective shield for you in your life. You will claim, "I did it to save this nation of America." Also, you are in a position of doing it for God and for heaven. You did the three-day fast for the True Parents. Then you will be officially recognized for doing it. The True Parents and the Heavenly Father will give you new direction and have new expectation of you. Because of this accomplishment, performance, I began this conference. That's why he initiated this kind of five-day conference, after the three-day fast. Father thinks that through this kind of special training you will set up a new zeal, a new tradition, and also a new foundation for your life. You will be the model of the whole movement in the United States. Can you determine yourselves during this period?

When you listen to the Divine Principle lectures, depending on the lecturer, there is some different flavor or presentation. It has the same contents, but if there is a different way of presenting it, it will be different. The depth of the words will be endless. The depth of truth is wide and deep, because you don't know the world of heart; you know nothing about it. Eventually, you have to reach to the realm of the real heart of God; so, I want you to have a trip to that kind of state.

What is the fall, originally? It originated from selfishness. This time, restoration means sacrifice, instead of being self-centered. You have to be giving out, sacrificing yourself for others: it's very simple. His three-year ministry, 1972, 1973, 1974, is now passing by, so he is descending. Instead of staying on a high, climactic peak, now he is descending. That means that from now on, the American family should take over certain areas by itself. That's why he has a new system set up, giving the American family a chance to fast by itself.

Up to the present, all financial support has come from the overseas family, especially the Japanese brothers and sisters. Also, the spiritual aspect has been guided by the overseas family. Soon, the American family should be self-supporting and independent. Which do you think is easier: to restore a small nation of Japan and Korea combined, or a gigantic, nation, territorially? Which is easier to restore: one nation, America, or Japan and Korea? America. Why is it difficult? America is a multiracial combination, a melting pot, so various cultural and racial backgrounds make the restoration more difficult. A simple, single nation like Korea or Japan, even now, is mono-racial. A mono-racial nation is easy to control. So, in this country there are too many races, too many things coming up, too much freedom, and too many debates. It is quite a difficult job to synthesize all these differences.

Father has been thinking, he has to train you more harshly than the mono-racial nationalities German or French. America should be more trained, more disciplined. If you say yes, would you like to be defeated by Japanese brothers and sisters? We need a strong spirit; intensive training is needed. The Unification Church movement will fail if it starts wrong from the beginning. We have to start right and strong. It is proper to strengthen the system, and give intensive training and discipline before beginning the right dispensation centering on this nation. Logically or theoretically, is it true?

So, you have no room for complaint because all the Japanese brothers and sisters and German brothers and sisters never had complaints. If you have complaints, you should complain why you were not given more jobs, hard training. That kind of complaining is fine. You have to resolve yourself to be that kind of a responsible person. The reason why he especially trained you this time is to indoctrinate this kind of spirit from him in your heart. There will be a correlative standard between you and him, because you can pick up all these things free of charge. Without much suffering and hard work, all is given you. Your position is to do a better job, and accomplish ten times more than our True Parents and our Heavenly Father did. Do you understand me?

So, we have to determine ourselves to be that kind of people. His eight-city Day of Hope tour will begin in the month of September, and this is the last dispensation centering on this nation. He wants you to have a oneness with him during this eight-city Day of Hope tour. You have to accomplish quite a lot, because this is of such tremendous significance for this nation and for the whole world. You will set up the accomplishment with a new tradition.

Before you go back to your states and work on your local level, even though you had in your mind some kind of complaining elements, he wants you to forget them. From now on you have to determine yourself to head in a new direction, and you have to be proud of yourself as a special heavenly army task force in your area to bring success and pick up this heart of the True Parents and the Heavenly Father. He wants you to be victors. You have to save this nation of its sorrow and pain. You have to sacrifice yourself, giving real value to this nation. This is a short-cut to saving the whole world. You are responsible for this nation, for your local level. You are the sacrificing spirit, plunging into the sorrowful and painful situation. Only by doing so will you be able to save the whole world with its sorrow and pain. This is the only way left for our True Parents, Heavenly Father. So, by taking responsibility for taking over the world's sorrow and pain, you have to become a real champion and victor. So, he wants you to be this kind of a person with a new resolution, a new determination, in this special seminar and training.

Father does not want to be beaten by the Heavenly Father. The same thing applies to you. You don't want to be defeated by me. Why don't you be a superior group commander in every way? If you do it, you will receive more love from our True Parents.

You have to do your job beforehand before our Father's commandment of instruction. Will you, do it? He is asking a general question: do you think this three-day or four-day training session is fantastic, or wonderful? (Yes.) Father has information that the majority of the people expressed a desire to continue one more day. I'd like to verify it. Is it true that you wanted to stay one more day? Unfortunately, we cannot survive without water. But what can we do about it? So, he will officially give you permission to stay one more day here at the Barrytown university.

Now, the ten International One World Crusade field commanders are here, and the directors are here. Father instructed them to join with you one more day. Then they will talk to you people, and a comprehensive report will be given to Father sometime tomorrow. Today is the 29th of July. Sometime when Mr. Sudo's lectures are over, Father will be ready to listen to the ten IOWC commanders' comprehensive reports.

Now you American field troops will be going away at least the day after tomorrow, in the morning. Then Father officially invites the honorable IOWC commanders to Prince Kook Jin's birthday on August 1, 1974. You will stay at Belvedere. The ten commanders will stay overnight to be at the celebration.

On August 2, Miss Glenda Moody's track team will bring 40 black college students to visit in Barrytown. So, there will be a chance for all the IOWC commanders to see these people. Then on August 3, all the honorable IOWC commanders are invited to Father's boat, "New Hope, New York" and you will leave for the field on August 4th.

So, since you Americans took over as self supporting, you should not be defeated by your excellent Japanese brothers and sisters on the fund-raising team. Can you do it? (Yes.) We will wait and see. This time is a time of special grace for you. Are there any questions from the audience? Then Father will ask one question to all the audience. Please, all who had a hippie experience, raise your hands.

(Mr. Kim: They are heavenly hippies, all of them! terrible! terrible!)

We have to save hippies first. You are the older generation.

A second question from Father; those who have been drug addicts, or have had drug experience, marijuana or whatever, raise your hands. (Mr. Kim: More than that, you are ex-convicts, wow! Corrupted American society!) So, we have to save all drug addicts, too.

Please research on the topic, how to restore the hippies and drug addicts. Already this program is going on, centering on Washington, D.C. Father has already established already some new moral association. So, this organization will deal with this area. According to his new thinking: the corrupted hippies and drug addicts coming is a sign this nation's corruption and destiny of destruction. If many black people got together and made a big demonstration to awaken white hippies and drug addicts, a national movement can be launched. Then black people will use the slogan, "You white hippies are doomed to quickly destroy yourself with this trash. However, we black people are not going to follow that pattern." So, we might initiate that kind of a movement to awaken the public. Then through this we can disparage that kind of pattern; young people, especially black people, don't have to accept it. Then white people will be frightened or awakened, and receive the warning to correct this situation. Then with this kind of movement, of not following the white people's tradition of drugs and hippies, we may get international attention.

So, in a sense, this kind of track team of black people under the leadership of Miss Moody might be helpful in certain periods of time. Through the black people, something has to be done for the nation, especially for the white people. With this future perspective, Glenda Moody, our sister, is becoming famous throughout the nation right now. As time goes by, the Unification Church will have separate black congregations on the state and local level. Then Father will directly guide, supervise and teach the black people a true pattern of life. So, I will put a

heavenly competition between the white Unification Church members and black Unification Church members.

Father has approved the 40 young black people coming here with Glenda Moody. So, the black people of our church should have a great hope for the future and be determined to do his will. White people are clapping, while the black people are quiet, but this commendation goes to the black people. But you are black and white combined, anyway. You are the same; that's why applause comes from all the whites.

Please simplify yourself, carry very simple luggage. Your gear should be ready to go any time. So, be ready under any circumstances. Keep a simple physical environment.

Father is seriously launching this movement to save hippies and drug addicts. So, very quickly this movement will be launched. You have to be aware of this, pray for it, and be ready. A national campaign will be initiated when we have accumulated lots of research through your people: why is it bad, what kind of phenomena happen, after effects, and so forth. So, a pamphlet will be published before launching this kind of campaign. We should have more publications on this matter than any other social agency dealing with this matter. This is a good chance to mobilize, and influence the public through this project.

Please, those of you who are here at the moment who are in a leadership position on the local level, collect all material available in your locality, in your state, and synthesize it. Forward it to the national headquarters for further consideration.

By March 1975, national headquarters should be ready with all the publications. So, pay this attention on this issue. Because this area is good room for Communist infiltration, we have to take initiative. This is a very urgent project. When you go back, follow what he has said.

Third question: Those who have a Christian background, raise your hands, please. Those who have no Christian background, raise hands. Are all of you Jewish people? Most of them. We have to save Christians. When you go back, you have to initiate how to bring Christians to the perfection state.

Question: In January of 1970, I was spiritually given a plan about the same thing he was just talking about, how to raise up the black folks and how it would cause national concern. In June of 1972, 1 actually heard the Principle, and I joined. I was led to come and actually present this plan to you and see how you think.

Answer: Father thinks about the three races, yellow, black, and white. Orientals can contribute in the spiritual aspect, white people can contribute in the analytical, scientific area, while black people can contribute in the physical area-physical educational development of physical fitness, the area of health. That's one of the reasons Glenda Moody's project with black young people is very fantastic. From now on, two thirds of the athletes may come from black people. Even basketball teams have a dominant population of black people. The talented area of black people is in this physical aspect. So, the short cut for black peoples' achievement in this world is the physical area. So, Father has a special concern in this area.

Question: Will you make a movie on the mission of Jesus, as you said, some time in the future?

Answer: Yes, in the future, if the manuscript is favorable. Even a movie company is being formed right now in Japan. So, we have a contract to make that kind of movie, not only about the life of Jesus. So, we have a higher level connection in the movie industry in Japan.

Question: You talked a lot about the American family. I don't know what to do, ever since I joined the family…

Answer: You have to consult with the state representative or the IOWC commander, who will give you some direction. If you do a good job in your present environment, you will be picked up; you will have a new direction. Then see how many people you can bring to the movement. You have relatives'? You have to convert them. Then if you have this kind of foundation, gradually your position will be developed on a higher level, and you will be regarded on the state level. Automatically you will contribute more to the state level or national level.

Question: Father, what do you think will happen with President Nixon in light of the new development?

Answer: Even if many people label somebody as dying, not all of them will die. If this dying person, Nixon, is revived, then Reverend Moon's name will be more popular and famous, right? He may plan one more fasting campaign during the final stage of impeachment proceedings, at the Senators' level. Now the proceedings are in the judiciary committee.

Father's past strategy has been based on contacting many Senators. In the Senate forum, if they cannot get more than two-thirds of the vote, impeachment will be automatically cancelled. So, he is exploring this area right now.

(Inaudible question.)

The criterion is how seriously you love the soul or the person. Then that will give room for reaching out to be with him. Have you ever thought you would die for one person? You have never experienced that? Your degree of loving others is the barometer of the heart of God. What degree of loving others is the barometer of the heart of God. What a magnificent thing it is to save souls, to give life! Giving life-that is salvation. If you love somebody, giving them life, that means you are a sacrifice.

Then if you expand to the wider scope, practicing it, you will then automatically reach the heart of God and the heart of the True Parents, then become in oneness with them. That's the only thing: practice loving other people. So if you complain that you dislike something you should do, that is the enemy right there. You have to do it willingly, with appreciation and thanksgiving. You have to blame yourself; "I am not loving others so seriously. " If you have no thanksgiving, you have to blame yourself. To love other persons, you have to sacrifice yourself. Can you understand?

(Question from a member from India.)

Most of the Indians are communicating with the spirit world. Those people who receive that they have to unite with Reverend Moon will be easily united. There's a lecture there on the principle of resurrection. Father says that through prayer you can easily have access to these people. You have to realize that in the early days, the Unification Church started not from witnessing, but people received instructions from spirit world, and came to the Unification Church headquarters. Those who came to this group had been prepared by God to meet him for fifteen or twenty years.

He has heard the story that during your three-day fast, some spiritual phenomena happened. Is it true that some man from Munich, Germany received something and is participating here? Is it true?

(Yes, but he's not here at Barrytown. He had to go back. Initially, he received that America is prepared to establish the kingdom of heaven. Then he wanted to talk.)

This kind of vertical aspect, spiritual, psychic phenomena, is happening throughout the world. We have amazing testimonies. The reason why we don't emphasize this too much is that the public does not understand spiritual phenomena. They think we are crazy or something like that. That's the reason. why we don't emphasize this so much. But this is a factual phenomenon.

Address To Prayer And Fast Participants, Part 2

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Barrytown, New York

July 31, 1974

Master Speaks

Translated by Mr. David S.C. Kim

Father expressed his thanks to you especially in these inconvenient circumstances and very crowded space. You have completed safely the several-day special training session. This is a history-making scene you have set up in America.

You pure American citizens received training by the tiny Japanese lecturer, Mr. Sudo. He also understands that Mr. Sudo's Japanese-style English sometimes gives you great difficulty in understanding, so your ears have to be very busy in order to understand him. But Father feels that you have a spiritual attraction for Mr. Sudo.

Also, Father is very proud to know that the distinguished president of our Unification Church of America, Neil Salonen, attended this training. At the same time Father's distinguished, honorable right arm general commanders of the International One World Crusade in the field are attending here. He is very proud to have all these people attending.

This is an historic, epoch-making event, beginning a new history of America. We are united in oneness with all these different nationalities. Americans and their leaders got together to direct themselves towards one goal for God. When we analyze the situation, all these nations used to be the enemies -- Germany, Japan, France, and Italy. Now they have become one at this moment, or forever. How is it possible'? It is possible because we are centering on God's will through Father. If Father continues this pattern of success in certain projects he set up, there is a crystal-clear view that this country, centering on us, can influence the whole world

Middle Eastern and European countries, Far Eastern countries, for example. We can influence and control many other areas. We can even influence the tremendous Congress of the United States. Centering on Father we are able to do this. This is a tremendous impact on the whole world, not only this nation.

This is the spiritual significance of Father's inviting these IOWC commanders to participate in this great event in Barrytown. Even though the relationship between Japan and America may deteriorate in the future, we have proven that we can make a smooth and good relationship, because we have proven our ability to work together and influence other work. Because we have accomplished the influence of Congress-the Senators and House of Representatives-all the Japanese Unification Church brothers and sisters are working very hard. The core movement in the United States greatly interests Japanese government as well as social leaders. They are greatly concerned how such a thing is possible. One of the reasons why Father plans to put all the energy of the Japanese brothers and sisters into the Madison Square Garden crusade is to make a great international impact. So Father is even planning to call all the Japanese brothers and sisters working in the field to New York state and New York City.

You are curious to know about Father's strategy in all these detailed plans. But if he reveals them, there will be side effects, so he cannot tell you everything. But you should have faith in him, seeing what has been accomplished in the past few years. Just follow blindly and believe him and wait for two or three years. Just follow him, will you? Why? Because everywhere we go, when Father does something, Satan and his devils, all of our enemies, come along. So we cannot say everything.

Because of your fast, you have already become internationally known. Your faces are in color or black and white in Time magazine and Newsweek. Seven million copies are sold throughout the world. You are famous right now. This significance is not on the national level; it is on the international and worldwide level; it is a cosmic event.

So by now you don't feel any hungry feelings do you? By now do you know how precious bread and rice and daily food is to you? You know the value of it. If you experience a piece of bread or a loaf of bread being so valuable for you, because of your fasting experience and prayer, you can experience the real sense of taste. Then if you apply this in your daily life you will be spiritually lifted up. You will do wonderful work, even more than you expect.

So far, our Unification Church has had two international -- level projects: one is the Watergate proclamation by Father for which we fasted one day. This is a three-day fast, on the second time. Formation, growth, perfection-what kind of stage are we on? We have finished two-the formation stage is one day, and now one more. Would you be willing to participate? Father is changing plans, so that you Americans will not participate. Do you protest? Principally speaking, you have to make separate conditions. But Americans do their own conditions -- Old Testament, New Testament, Completed Testament.

Would you like to participate? Principally speaking, if you never change but are steadfast and steadily leaping forward with the same faith, you can be included in the third stage. Do you still want to participate in that one? You may. But some of you might complain, "We are not here solely for fasting and prayer. " Then if we enforce this plan, the third stage of fasting and prayer for this nation or for the whole world, how many days shall it be? Seven days is just a common occurrence in our Unification Church. But some of you will be crawling because there is no way to survive.

This is a contrast with the Communists who are trying to conquer the whole world through violent protests; as heavenly soldiers centering on our Father, we will do it through the prayer and fasting. It will be of great significance, dispensationally. Then to close 1974 successfully, Father's second seven-year course, it will be significant to initiate a special fast and prayer to consummate something.

Now Nixon is in trouble. He is cornered; there is no way to survive now. So Father is planning a final strategy before the impeachment proceedings in the Senate. We will have to enforce this fasting and prayer with 1200 members at least. You should know that already. We prepared a long time ago through the PR team, making a friendly relationship with Senators, beginning already a few years ago. Why'? This has been done to prevent a two-thirds vote against Nixon, to save Nixon and this nation. So Father has been preparing for this already.

Everybody in this country and the whole world knows that Nixon has no other way. Now, there is a deadlock; he is almost going to resign. But Father steps in and makes the way for him. Everyone knows that through this kind of project and such heavenly strategy Reverend Moon has saved Nixon and America.

From now on, you have to pray to save Nixon and this nation, because God is on our side, and our Father is working with us. Even though 220 million people may oppose you, you have to stand up for them to save this nation.

If something happened-it may not happen, of course -- but if at the last minute Father switches the course and Nixon is saved, then the world will know that he is the savior.

The international families throughout the world will participate in this, so even if he does not bring this kind of success we will have set up this one direction centering on God. We did our best to save this nation. This will be the good chance for you to explain from your heart why you did it and what you experienced during the fasting and prayer. You can appeal to this nation and the whole world. The public will be persuaded when you explain, "Without Reverend Moon, our Master, what would have happened to this nation or to the whole world?" You will have lots of stories about him to tell the whole world. Even if the result may not come immediately, it will have future spiritual impact: there is a tremendous blessing to come.

Your seven-day fast will have great significance and be a great sensation among the people. For instance, any father will want his daughter to have a husband like you, who did this kind of seven-day fast, because of your conviction for the nation and for the world. And vice versa, a father of a son will want to have a daughter-in-law just like you, with conviction and deep faith, even sacrificing a seven-day fast for the nation and for the whole world. They would like to have you. You will suddenly become famous. Then fathers-in-law of you people will make a big issue and stir up public interest and propaganda: "My daughter-in-law or my son-in-law, did a wonderful job for this nation and for the whole world." They will be so proud of you. So a new tradition will be set up based on your activity, your behavior, and your accomplishments. This will be a great influence upon the public of the United States. This is a great event to come.

We've got to have hope. We are creating with hope for the new age. You are the real person to make new tradition. Be proud of yourself, will you? From now on, you have to be proud of yourself, and you have to make publicity for yourself, and feel good about yourself. You are something.

Lots of you used to be hippies. He saw the statistics. Now instead of garbage, you are really precious jewels to God. Keep in mind that you should have confidence and heavenly pride. Up to now, most young people have thought of themselves as nothing. Now you are precious. Even on your shoulders, God's hope is on your shoulders, as an individual, family, nation, and world. You are so precious. If you fail, you as an individual and your family and nation, as well as God's plan and ideal pattern will be destroyed. So you are a precious, special, and important person. You are so valuable to God.

The President of this nation should be thinking along this line. He has to decide something. He has to be serious, as the head of the nation. The head of the nation should think seriously along this line. If he does go away in a zigzag manner, the whole nation and the whole world will zigzag. So he has to understand his mission. God's whole providence will then be thwarted. So you are something, when you think along this line.

Your thinking, your posture, and your eyes should go straight forward. When Jesus or God or Father leads you, you are not supposed to give the burden to them. You have to do it by yourself. That is your individual and family position night there. Why are you so valuable? What is the purpose of all the past saints? We are looking for the real individual, real families and real world. When we study Divine Principle, we know this is fact; we are looking for the real thing.

Heavenly Father's dispensation for 6,000 years has been to find His real son, one real Adam, not the fallen Adam. He has been sacrificing everything, even the first Adam, the first Messiah, and the second Messiah. Up to the present, he did not find it. Principally speaking, the Messiah, God's true son, should not encounter any objections or obstacles. Even Jesus as the Messiah worked upon principle. But even the one nation of Israel was unable to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Not one person accepted Jesus at that time.

For 2,000 years God has waited and sacrificed, setting up the Christianity as the second Israel. He has promised to send the second Messiah. Since Jesus' crucifixion, our Heavenly Father has set up the providence through Christianity, to set up in advance one nation which will be ready to receive the Lord of the Second Coming, on the world-wide foundation of Christianity. By so doing, the Heavenly Father will be fulfilling His will and the unfulfilled part of Jesus' mission will be completed.

Christianity has the responsibility to get the nation to stick to the Lord of the Second Coming. This is God's project. Until the present, behind the scenes, many, many of God's people have been martyred in order to bring this glorious day of the Second Coming. Many, many young people like you have died in the past. Many, many people were sacrificed: they represent your parents and relatives, before you.

To set up this ideal goal, centering on the Lord of the Second Coming, so many sacrifices have been paid as an indemnity condition. Why? They have been paid to bring the consummation of this glorious day, centering on the Lord of the Second Coming, spreading throughout the whole world, centering on him. Principally speaking, the Lord of the Second Coming is more than an individual, more than a nation, even more than the whole world. All systems existing at his coming have to be united: they are not supposed to object to him, but be completely and absolutely united with him. That's his will.

When Father initiated all this dispensation centering on the Unification Church, if the established churches had accepted him, and all the family had accepted him, and all the democratic nations had accepted him, his dispensation would have been speeded up, in order to bring a quicker realization of God's will on earth. If his acceptance had come right after the Second World War, then the Communist bloc would not have appeared. Naturally, the leaders of the free nations, such as America, would not have had this kind of turmoil if they had accepted the Lord of the Second Advent, our Father. You have to know that because established Christianity did not follow him, unexpected obstacles have been appearing in front of him and God.

Our Heavenly Father or heaven does not expect our Father to be persecuted on earth -- never. Father knows all the details of God's plan. He knows well that, even though they opposed him, because of God and Jesus and his past mission, in order not to nullify His original ideal he cannot reject his enemies, because of our Heavenly Father. Also, he has to think of all the saints and ancestors in the past who had succeeded in accumulating the conditions to bring this time, so he cannot, even though they oppose him, completely ignore or reject them.

Our Master is the one to bear this kind of burden, accumulated in the past. He must bear it, instead of rejecting it, in order to fulfill the unfinished task of our ancestors. So our Father even comforted the Heavenly Father, "I am not defeated yet. I am your son, so I will bear your burden. I will not discourage you or disappoint you. " So, when opposition comes, he is willing to show our Heavenly Father's will and love, to even show them which is better. He even shows the enemy and Satan the things Jesus did not accomplish, and proves he is accomplishing far more than Jesus did.

All God's people-the saints and the prophets-shed their blood. They died. But this time, Father says that without bloodshed, "I will accomplish the things the sages and saints left undone in the past. " This is the answer. With this kind of determination, our Father has been fulfilling God's dispensation up to the present. He has already been thinking that he should be above the past saints, the first Messiah, and anyone else in the past in the course of the dispensation. He should go even beyond God's dispensation. He felt, "If I am tired, the whole universe will be tired and all the passed away in spirit world." So he is thinking seriously of his behavior and action. "If I am despairing and disappointed, who will be responsible for the 6,000 years turmoil and all the past saints and sages?" Even though he was exhausted in a physical sense, he pretended not to be exhausted. Even in the dungeon of the death, on the verge of death, he was not going to die; he felt life.

Sometimes Father is proud of himself, because in his lifetime he can see Satan on the individual level, family level, world level, just as God sees His enemy on the different levels. So he is proud of himself and this chance to see every level of this world and spirit world, and even the Devil's existence. Master manages it, sees it, and observes it. He has believed that. He saw all this operation on every level, within his lifetime. "I can conquer them. I can crush them," he says. Even though Father has been taking 6,000 years, He has seen nothing. But Master says. "In my lifetime, I will do something about it. He is proud of himself.

Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say, "Reverend Moon is far better than me, the Heavenly Father. " In a short period of time, he will synthesize, he will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of himself, and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6,000 years has been completed by him in his lifetime. Also, he knows that the people of Israel did not accept Jesus. A substitute operation through the Unification Church International has to be done, so that all the saints of Jesus' day, 2,000 years ago, can be there and have their wishes fulfilled through them.

Also, even though Christianity did not cooperate with him, he has set up the foundation on which the unfinished job on the individual, family, tribe, and nation, and worldwide level will be accomplished in another way. We will give this great benefit to the spirit world and the martyred Christians. We will be very glad that this will be fulfilled by him in his lifetime.

Everything God expected of him, dispensationally, has been finished. So he is free to do whatever he wants to do. In our lifetime, we have one more higher stage to finish through which we can liberate all the past saints and all mankind, even the generations to be born. We have to be proud of ourselves. Each of us has this kind of heavenly responsibility on our shoulders.

If you do wrong, our Father will be blamed. If you do a good job, all credit goes to you. I don't care about personal persecution received from others, but if we fail, we must assume the blame of the generations before us. Who is going to explain this? Who is going to assume this responsibility? Even a small segment of the people throughout the world should take his side, absolutely blindly. And still, we have our enemies, our opponents. As long as opponents and enemies exist, God's absolute ideal and plan cannot be fulfilled. The problem is how can we hasten His dispensation, or by all means shorten the time period? How much can we narrow down the time period-on the spot, right now, instantly? We don't know what could happen any time, any place. Our situation is very imminent, spiritually and physically. So Father feels very, very urgent. The time is very imminent and very urgent. He has a problem, how to tune all this dispensationally, to make it all fit together and go smoothly.

So Father cannot run his own life. He cannot think of himself. Father cannot influence the whole world through his one mouth and his two hands. It is impossible to influence the whole world. His two eyes cannot cover everything. How can he, even though he is the son of God, heal all sick persons throughout the world, spiritually, with his two hands? You have to be his substitute ears, eyes, arms, and feet; so you should assume the responsibility of saving the whole world.

You should be proud of yourselves. You are representatives of our Father and God, and all your ancestors, all the sages and all the saints. You are the spokesmen. The person totally responsible is the Messiah. In one sense you have to assume a messianic role individually on behalf of him. Do you understand? Can you assume the messiahship all on behalf of our Father? Even though you pledge, raising your hands, to say yes will be easy, but hard to practice. There are many, many members of the Unification Church, but very few, almost none, know our Father's heart.

If you are really attuned to his heart, you should suddenly cry whenever he tunes in to you. You should be that sensitive. You should know that Father has long patience in finding somebody who will know his heart. This is the heart of our Father and also the heart of our Heavenly Father. Nobody knows his real heart. So please keep in mind these things. Please accept yourself as such a precious being on behalf of him and the Heavenly Father.

Eventually, you have to go back to your battlefield. You come here by your own will, and also chosen by somebody. But when you go back, from now on, you are no longer you; you are centering on our True Parents; you are centering on the Heavenly Father. Your total physical body-your eyes, your ears, your feet, your arms-will be God's and our True Parent's, and Jesus' and all your ancestors', sages' and saints'. You are no longer you. All historical components are on you. You are the champion who will represent the whole heavenly heart accumulated for 6,000 years; many, many things are represented in your individual body.

Can you be that way, from now on? Then if you are that way, you are equipped with all these things. When you go back, you will be the Messiah in your city, in your state, in your region. The place you are going will be later called Canaan-a lucky, happy land-by your next generation. Please, you have to think you are real, restored children of God, and you should be proud of it.

Even Jesus Christ, as the son of God, had to bear the cross in order to be the son of God. Our True Parent even did the same thing in order to be the son of God. He has been bearing a serious cross in himself. Heavenly Father, behind all these things, is more serious, and more greatly concerned about us. All the past course of God's dispensation is culminated in you, because you are an individual to be restored. God, our Heavenly Father, wants you to be real children of God-that's His purpose. God purchased you by the price of the blood. Ransom money is paid for you. To buy an individual-you -- God suffered, Jesus suffered, all Christianity suffered, and our True Parents suffered because of you-to bring you to God, to return you to God.

So, because you are purchased by all the indemnity prices, throughout the past history, you should be far better than anyone else. You can be less than no one. Right? That's why the motto says we should be superior to Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. He did not have a nation for God; we shall have our nation as God's nation. Jesus Christ was unable to be the chief of the heavenly tribe. You will be the chief of the tribe. We've got to have a real family. We've got to be real parents to the next generation. Jesus Christ did not have it. We should be the children of the heavenly family and take responsibility for the whole world to make it one family under God. That's your responsibility.

So in order to be the children of God and reach this stage, we have to pay the indemnity price. It does not come without effort. You have to restore the individual level, family level, tribal level, national level, and world level, which are completely dead. You have to return it; that's not easy.

When you look at the history of the dispensation, you see that God has been working to find one Adam, then one Messiah. Jesus Christ was to establish the family, and so forth. Now in this age, we are going to comprehensively synthesize everything, restore everything at one time, centering on him. So we have to pay lots of indemnity as a sacrifice. We have to reach this stage by any cost, sacrificing even many, many things. We have to obtain his. What kind of price do we have to pay? Instead of establishing a fragmentary dispensational period, we have to synthesize. We are going to pay something to consummate all the undone things accumulated in the past.

With what are you going to purchase all this? Two things-life and love. With two elements, with life and divine love, we can buy that. With your life and your divine love totally dedicated to God, then you will be investing a tremendous price. What can you offer as a sacrifice? "I will give my life. I will dedicate my love to you." Love should have a relative position. But relative to whom? To God? You say, "Because I love God, I give my life. Because I love God, the Heavenly Father, I give my life to Him." The wife or the husband is not the problem with being this kind of person with total dedication. The problem is within you. Without devoting these two elements, you cannot pass this kind of indemnity and pay the indemnity price. You cannot pass that test.

Do you have love in your body, in your mind? Do you have love in you, not in your body? To whom are you going to give your love? Because you are in the satanic, fallen world, you give your love to others, it becomes not love, but dirt. So you have to offer your love to God. Can the Heavenly Father accept your love? In what place can you offer your love? When you realize you are the center of love, you can give love to Him from that position, on behalf of the whole of mankind. When you stand at that point, your love will be acceptable to Him. Also, love should be given to God from the position of the Messiah. The Messiah is the person who sacrificed his life for mankind.

In this critical juncture, as an individual, what can you offer to God? God needs your total love. The first commandment is, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. " But that's not the love you are thinking of. At the moment, your position is a fallen position. When you realize your value on behalf of the total dispensational course of all the saints and sages, then your love can be accepted by God. Then, at the same time, your love and life will be given to Him.

So we, in this time, can do nothing hat think of God's will. God is an absolute being, and an absolute being needs absolute love, not partial love. Even in the fallen world, when people experience secular love, they want to have total love. "Love me completely and totally!" That's their feeling there, isn't it? So if your sweetheart loved another person, you got mad; you just couldn't accept it. So our Heavenly Father is more jealous, and He wants more absolute love. Do you understand what he means?

Even after God is looking for love from you, you still find yourself like fallen garbage, trash can, clay and dirt. So the Heavenly Father is miserable, looking for love from you, a garbage can. If you feel the real sense of this statement, you don't have to pray. God will instantly be with you right there. So have you ever thought, "I must not be filthy. I must not defile this temple of God." You have to think of it.

The Heavenly Father, an absolute being, because I am nothing. I am the weakest one. I dedicate myself to you absolutely, totally. " Then at that time, God will say, "I need you, I absolutely need you. " He will tell you that. Then He will forgive your sins.

When you are forgiven, when your sins are forgiven, if you realize it, you will feel the greatness of the Heavenly Father. At the same time, you will immediately feel divine love from Him. Then you will sense the depth and breadth of divine love. You will know how great His love is. This is the greatest, the happiest moment-when you meet Father with love. Have you experienced this kind of state? Have you experienced that?

There can be no false pride; there can be no arrogance. When time goes by, as children of God, you become more humble, more meek. Then you will feel more wholesome, when God picks you to be used to save the nation and the world.

Then you will feel that Father is looking for children. He is a sad and sorrowful God. You have to experience the real depth of heart of God and the True Parents. So wherever you go today, back to your territory, the new bright blessing and light of God will be bestowed on you. If you have this kind of heart, you will be really resentful of the time passing. You will have no time to think of something other than His will.

Father wants you to make a new start in your life of faith, with all this instruction on your relationship to the heart of God and how to become one with Him. You are so precious when you carry this kind of a motto, "I work on behalf of the messianic role." Then you cannot be traded in for anything else in this world. Good or bad, you must be responsible for that. Good or bad-whatever you do-you have to be responsible. So you have to face the worst things and the best things. You have to confront both sides. It is not easy to be a small messiah, because it is related to God's life and God's love.

Though you used to pray always demanding something, if God was blessing you, what would happen to your garbage? It still becomes garbage. When you realize your real value, when you are restored from the dungeon, you know its value. From then on, you will spring out of this dungeon to reach the higher level. When you really feel you are nothing -- in the garbage can -- in the view of the absolute God, the distance will decrease. You will become one with the Heavenly Father. You can pray this kind of prayer, "I am spoiled, like clay; but are you going to use me as you I wish? Do you really need me with this kind of junk? Do you really need me?"

You cannot think that you will be accepted without any condition. When you realize that you are a most wicked person, weak, fallen, descendant of Adam and Eve, you know you are nothing. You know you are the weakest one. You say, "I am the most evil one. Because I fell I am the most wicked person, therefore, the weakest person. Therefore, I believe in …

Then when you practice this way, divine love and new life will begin and expand wherever you go. When you have given your life and your love to God, you will have it in practice. Father believes that if you carry this kind of heart, you will become a real leader, a real individual, a real worker, wherever you go and whatever you do. When you go back, a new tradition and a new history will begin. All 66 books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, will be condensed on you, to be fulfilled for the kingdom and for the work in this nation. You will be the victorious one when you fulfill all 66 books; then in your locality, the kingdom of heaven on earth will be realized.

All of you, as restored children of God, have to think of the Old Testament as a foundation, the New Testament your working place, and the Completed Testament as the area for you to build the actual realization of the kingdom. So wherever you go, you are a representative on His behalf. All things, even including animals, will welcome you in what you are doing and planning in your locality when you go back. Because individuals go back, interwoven horizontally and vertically, expanding on this nation and to the whole world, the realization of God's kingdom on earth will be progressing. You have to know that you are the cornerstone of a new tradition, a new history for mankind and for the whole world.

You have to realize that if you fail, all the indignation from God, from heaven, from Jesus' days, and from all the generations to come will fall on you. If you fail, you are a greater failure than the first fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Also, you will leave great indignation for the generation to come. if we fall, it is a dreadful thing. Since the fall of man, how many thousands of years have we suffered? If we, as a new brood of ancestors, fail, how many curses and indignations will we receive in the future? This is a dreadful fact. So you have to realize that you are the greatest center, and such a precious being in the universe. Do you understand me?

You have to go back with this kind of heavenly heart. So those who think they can be that way, please raise your hands - We can say that for you individuals, these few days are a revolutionary period. Isn't that right? With this yardstick of Father's talk on the feeling of heart, we can evaluate the individual. If you fit this standard, you will remain. If it does not fit, heavenly punishment will come upon you. Your present position is the result of a historical struggle to find you. God is related to you. Can one individual be exchanged for the nation of America? Can our Unification Church family be exchanged for the nation of America? You cannot exchange it. Your value is more than that of the nation of America.

As restored individuals and God's children, you cannot be exchanged for the fallen world. You are qualified persons. If you see Jesus, Confucius, or Buddha, question them, "Do you know what Father said to us today?" They will say, "We don't know anything about it. " You can say, "I know it from our True Parents long before you know it. I can teach you, Confucius, Buddha, and Jesus. " You know far more than the saints including Jesus Christ. So you've got to have heavenly pride-not false pride, but heavenly pride. You are so valuable to God. Do you understand? Do you believe it?

This body should be purified; it should be very innocent and pure, the very temple of God. It cannot be dirtied and soiled and destroyed by something filthy. You have to feel resentment: "I am defiled by Satan's influence in my body." From now on you have to resent that. You have to be a temple of God, purified and innocent, from now on. Resolve: "I have to purify my body." You've got to have that kind of pride. With your innocent, pure, and unspoiled mind and body, look at the sunshine of His creation. Look at the moon and the stars in the skies. Then you will hear them spiritually praising you, because you are restored. You will see all things in the universe praising you, bowing down to you, worshiping you. All things in the universe since the fall have been waiting for you, for the appearance of restored children of God like you. Think of all that when you walk around. Then all the grass and the trees will bow to you and welcome you.

We are the luckiest, happiest persons in the world; isn't that true? This is a heavenly privilege. If Adam and Eve had been perfected without falling, they would have had this kind of spiritual experience in relationship to all things in the universe. You, as individuals, restored, perfected men and women, will go everywhere. You will receive universal praise and love from all things God created. You are such a precious person as that. How precious-how tremendous! There is no other person of your invaluable, incredible value.

This is the core of God's direction and plan, for the past 6,000 years. Through Jesus, after 4,000 years, and now through the Lord of the Second Coming, God wants to set up this kind of condition through the Messiah. Because of this time, this glorious day of restoration, this day of hope. God has sacrificed all His past saints, including Jesus. Because of his crucifixion, Jesus did not have a counterpart, someone in Eve's position. Now, 2,000 years later, the time has, come to even fulfill that kind of bride and bridegroom relationship.

If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God would have controlled them and also the whole world would automatically have come under their cow-tow. Then after you get the blessing, as perfect man and perfect woman replacing Adam and Eve before the fall, then God will control and supervise you directly. This is the basis of oneness of you couples with the Heavenly Father. This is the kingdom of heaven.

So the ideal of the Second Coming is the bride and bridegroom, the marriage of the Lamb. That can come to you as the individually restored children of God. This is the ideal God wanted to see happen on earth. After the blessing when you look at your wife to be or husband to be, you must not say, "This is my wife." You must not say that. You have to look at your wife as the ambassador and authority from God. She is the ambassador plenipotentiary. She is a special envoy from God with love and life, not your wife. She is a special ambassador, an ambassador plenipotentiary, who brought divine love and life to you. She is not your wife. So this is the ideal thinking, instead of "my wife," you have to think, "Special ambassador. "

Love does not belong to me. Love belongs to heaven. Ideal couple means you think, "I don't have to love her [love him], but I have to return the love, because it comes from heaven. " To be in the scope of love, you have to return divine love; then you are in the scope of divine love.

The Unification Church is so precious to the whole world and the universe, because of this new concept of love, this relationship between perfected husband and wife. To reach this level of spirituality or this ideal pattern, you have no other place to go. Just come to the Unification Church International. Then in that situation, ideal husband and wife are special ambassadors from heaven.

Later, you find out that these ambassadors happened to be the true children of God, His sons and daughters. That's a glorious thing. So the Heavenly Father is king of kings and Lord of the whole universe. Then you will become Heavenly Father's daughter-in-law and son-in-law. Then if this situation happens, God will say, "Okay, everything is finished; everything is fulfilled. " God's answer will be, "All right. Everything looks good, Go back to Genesis. "

By now you know how precious you are individually, and how grateful you are to know the value of the real husband and wife, the real family. Jesus Christ never had this. You are more valuable than he. Even Jesus Christ, the Messiah, did not have it. You will have it. Are you happy? This is the road we call the heavenly blessing by our True Parents.

Would you like to be blessed? In order to be qualified to be blessed, you've got to be that kind of a person, okay? You should be better than Jesus Christ. He never had a family; he never had a tribe; he had no nation. But contrary to that, we should have a restored individual, a restored family, a restored tribe, and God's nation-a victorious family, victorious tribe, victorious nation. Also, more than that, we've got to have more than the nation; we've got to have God's world, one world under God. Also, we will bring the spirit world under our control. We've got to have our Heavenly Father come down from heaven, to live within us, within our family. We've got to inherit the kingdom of heaven and earth; we have to win it on our shoulders.

There will be no national boundary; there will be no problems of visas, and passports. Only the heavenly family counts. Everywhere people would like to go, they will go. Only our Heavenly Father, the heavenly kingdom and the earthly kingdom, only the heavenly family exists-nothing else on earth. This is our road to go, our direction and destiny. So also all the saints, sages, and religious founders, even Jesus Christ long for it. By now you know what he is talking about.

He has one question for you. Shall our True Parents believe in you or not? Do you really mean it? Father's real feeling is this: he doesn't want to believe in the nation of America. He doesn't want to believe or trust the whole world. He wants to trust you and believe in you. I would like to trust you, believe in you. He says, "I will believe in you; I will trust in you. I will be concerned about your direction, your destiny, and your achievement. " Do you have confidence in that? Will you raise hands, those who have confidence in this direction? You must be serious, more serious than Jesus Christ was before the crucifixion; at the Gethsemane prayer, he was so serious. You should be more than that. Because of this, he wants to trust you.

You should perform our responsibility with the same feeling as Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. You have to take this kind of feeling as your response. You have to practice it. He believes that when you go by this formula, you will bring the victory. You will bring the accomplishments and achievements in your locality. Before complaining in your heart, you have to think first how we are going to have God's nation. Before your physical exhaustion, you have to think more of how by your work you are going to inherit the kingdom of heaven on earth. You have to apply your effort not to burden your next generation to be born, but you have to take responsibility on your shoulders. You will finish your job in your lifetime. You have to finish it in your own lifetime, leaving nothing to burden the generation to come.

To bring this stage of victory, we need members. We need Unification family members. We need one another. Those blessed couples have to place more emphasis on the church than on the individual family. In the past, through the sacrifices in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ was set up as a living sacrifice. In the Completed Testament, to consummate the role of the church, you have to go up. By doing so, we have a connection with the whole world and with all nations. In different families, in our church, lots of tribes and nationalities are assembled. The perfection of church-the Unification Church, of course-is the mission of the Completed Testament age. The church should consist of perfected individual men and women, and perfected families. By doing so, the equalization of the peoples of the nations will come about. That means, when we are over the world, God can even come down and live with us on earth. Towards this point, God directed the Christian churches for 2,000 years.

When you look at the established church buildings, gigantic buildings, you should think, "The heavenly family and the individual restored children of God should be running those places; they should be filled. " The church should be the place where prominent, renowned celebrities, or big, wonderful leaders of the nation should get together to meet one another. The ideal church should be the place which influences everywhere, even to the point of leading the nation. There, core people will be gathering to influence the nation and the whole wold.

Then by that time, the ritual and ceremony of the church will be revised. That kind of church will no longer keep anything about repentance prayer, but cultural aspects centered on living the Principle in man's daily life with God. So fantastic programs will be going on all the time. Then instead of enjoying yourself in your family, you will be more inclined to want to come to the church activity, and meet many families. Plus, if you like to sing, you would rather think of singing songs in the church than in your home. This kind of age will come. Also, the time will come when all will bring potluck dinners or lunches from your homes, to eat together in the churches. This must be far better than eating as your family.

Also, you people feel more desire to be in the church even now at this stage, and you come more often to the church than your home. This is the preparation for the time to come. The church will have lots of activity, more than church ritual. Whenever there is a church activity going on, you will suddenly give up everything to come to the church - The nation should be composed of this kind of church people; God will want to have this kind of thing happen. God's people will be produced from this church. There will be no opposition if you are dancing in the church for 24 hours, with trumpet or orchestra or band. Nobody will even dare to say anything. Everybody in the neighborhood will be assembled there; nobody will be left to even oppose this ideal.

We have experienced in Korea, and in every other country, criticisms coming, "Oh, the Unification Church members never sleep, never eat, and are all the time in the church doing something there." That's the reason one of the persecutions started. So this is a preparation for this ideal church to appear. Your role is to be perfect, not only a perfect individual and family, but you are completing the church, which means you have gone farther than our Heavenly Father, farther than Jesus Christ. Amazing value -- you have it!

You have to think, "I've got to have a heavenly family. Also think, "We've got to have a heavenly church. Without that, there can be no foundation for tribal restoration. Without a tribal foundation, Jesus had no way to go other than the cross. That's the reason why the individual quota of winning souls is 120 people within three years. That is the formula. If you cannot finish it within the three years, it is extended to the seven years. Because Jesus should have consideration for his partner to appear, the three years are doubled, to seven years. Three plus three, plus one for the Sabbath day, makes it the number seven.

Then do you know your purpose of returning to your locality? Jesus' crucifixion on the cross, derived from the lack of unity among his 12 disciples; there was no oneness among 72 souls. So there are 84 in all: 12 plus 72 . Eighty-four people should be united into Jesus' tribe. Then if he had 84 disciples united around him, he would have accomplished the tribal foundation. He would not have to go to the cross. One of the missions or goals of Jesus was to find a perfect Eve. Then, his second goal was to make a perfect church. So, as you know, Jesus' Holy Spirit stimulates the Christian churches.

The Lord of the Second Coming should seek his bride within the Unification Church. By doing so, within the tribe, some kind of ceremony and feast can be fulfilled. Only two, a man and woman or a bride and bridegroom, is not enough. You've got to save relatives together. The heavenly feast of the Lamb means lots of people being together, centering on the bride and bridegroom.

One of the missions of the Unification Church is to restore and make indemnity for this area. You have to have the completion of the Unification Church. Within the 12 disciples a trinity was selected. Then centering on the three disciples, 12 disciples should come, and then 72. Eighty-four is the tribal level consummation. Then after that, each of the tribes should have developed 120 members, united around them. That is a worldwide foundation. So he has to do that. Spiritually that's the reason why when even 120 people gathered in the upper room, the Holy Spirit could descend, and Christianity started right there.

Twelve tribes also had 72 members. That was the predecessor of the formation of the nation of Israel. Because of the failure of Jesus, we have to restore this number. This means that one church should have 120 members, at least. One church unit should have 120. Even to bring an individual base, within a seven-year period we have to bring the 84 members. This means the formula must reach the one-one-one level: every member should bring one person during one month-the one-one-one formula. That's based on this mathematics. This number is not necessarily to have you win souls; we have to finish individually. We have to finish. This is not solely for winning; you have to fulfill this. Individually, each individual should fulfill seven years of public ministry.

Father is on the 21 year course. For whom? He is on this course for you people. So you have to tune to his course by seven years of public ministry. So already Father has given you all this formula, all these instructions, how to fulfill your seven-year public ministry. This is the reason why one of the qualifications to be blessed by him is to bring at least more than three people as permanent members. That means out of the number 12, you can easily bring three permanent members. The 12 people will come from the 72. Twelve to 72 means a ratio of one to six. This is the reason why the numbers six-six thousand, six hundred, or twelve hundred-should be indemnified and restored.

Now, your destiny is clear. The purpose of your destiny is clear now. If you don't fulfill this formula, you have to fulfill it in the spirit world, where it will be much harder. You'd better finish it here while you are on earth. So you've got to have set up a church of at least 120 people. Then a new tradition and tribe will appear right there.

You will be the victor when you accomplish this. You will be standing above the line that Jesus Christ did not finish. That's why you have to fulfill this number. That's up to you. Somebody who is able and a genius may fulfill this quota in seven months.

Father has attained this present victory with hardship and persecution. You are doing it without any trouble, because you have all the answers. You just have to finish your part. You Americans just have to do your part, that's all. It's very easy.

Father blessed three families, Oust like Noah's family), 36 families, 72 families, 430 families, and 777 families. There is more to come. This is the heavenly formula he has been doing. He himself fulfilled all this -- you just do your part. Sometimes he picks up the children of the enemy -- it is very hard to bring them up. So Father had no chance to even preach this kind of a message to his relatives. There was no time. But even though he had access to it, he did not do it. If he did it, the Moon family will be restored very easily. This is a victorious foundation upon which you can convert even your parents, your mother and father, uncles and aunts, whatever. The door is open, because of his merit and accomplishment. You can even approach your parents and relatives with tears, and in three years you will have them come to this church. Don't you think it is possible? So you have to be proud that this heavenly time has come for you, and you have to enforce it. He wants you to be the victor over this.

Then you can dedicate yourself to God, to your tribe, church, and family. This is the Unification members' duty and responsibility. Then God's Will will be fulfilled. This is our road to go, our destiny. The kingdom of heaven in spirit world cannot be accommodated without this kind of consummated individual and family and church. Only those three categories of people can go into heaven.

This is the formula: I exist for the other party, and the family exists for the tribal restoration. The reason I follow the Unification Church is to be the family which will support the church. That's the formula. Then automatically, if everybody goes this way, God's nation will be restored. Our road, our destination, is the restoration of the individual, family, tribe, and church. That's our destiny. If Jesus could have had that kind of a church, he would have accomplished something. That means that every family that lives this way, the Messiah will visit. All the time, the Messiah will visit you and your family and your church-automatically everywhere. When you are there the Messiah will come. Then when the Messiah comes, God will naturally follow him; so together they will come to the church and to your family, and to the individual. So God will become the individual Lord, the family Lord, and the church Lord. There the master of the individual, tribe, family, and church, is the Lord of the church. Then automatically the nation will appear.

The family is not for the nation, but for the church. The church is for the nation. This means that only the church is able to save or form the nation. The Unification Church has a movement to form God's nation. Do you understand? His legitimate reason for the Unification Church-to form God's nation-has a legal right. So to reach this goal, all the Unification Church members will devote themselves for this purpose. Even more than 100 percent if possible we would like to mobilize 120 percent. There is no such thing as 120 percent in the world of mathematics. That means we have to bring people other than our members, in order to fill it to the 120 percent level.

So the movement for the nation should be enforced, because God expects us to do that kind of a job. When the time comes, we have to challenge and fight against Communism. We should do more work than ordinary religious organizations do. When we engage in some kind of a support for a political campaign, we have to show a greater ability than any other political organizations have. Then if we exceed the others, everybody will follow us. Then if we fulfill that, automatically the kingdom of heart will come. So you have to realize our individual value, our incredible value.

Also, secondly, you have to know as blessed couples to be, or blessed couples, that the blessing centering on him is so valuable. Those churches backed by blessed couples have enormous value right there. So after you receive the blessing, you have to set up a new church before you leave for spirit world. If you do not finish that mission, you will get into trouble in spirit world, because you left everything for the next generation. This kind of heavenly fortune or opportunity is not given to other religious organizations; but it is given to the Unification Church from heaven. No other nation has this kind of heavenly privilege. This privilege is one of the best privileges on earth.

The time shall come when only the Unification Church will be able to do this kind of thing. The whole world and all mankind will bow to us, because if they associate with us and support us, they will lose nothing, because they know we have better things than they have.

Our family has an international flavor. Whenever somebody wants to go somewhere, go to Europe or overseas, one telegram is sent, and as soon as you descend from the aircraft, all the international family welcomes you right there. Also, that church is our church, the same Unification Church. You don't have to go to a hotel somewhere. So all the Unification Church members throughout the world should be proud to entertain or welcome all the overseas family, to have them come to visit their church and stay in their country. That should be the heavenly pride.

We are creating this situation by ourselves. If there is a God in heaven, He will be glad to see everything that's going on here. The Germans and Americans used to be enemies. Now, they got together. And Germans and British used to be enemies all the time. Now, it's gone. Only through unification centering on our True Parents is this possible, because instead of thinking of yourselves as Germans or British, whenever you meet there is a stronger feeling: "We are Unification Church family members centering on our True Parents. " That strong feeling comes first.

We have to abolish national boundaries in the world. All disturbed, scattered language should be united into one language-not necessarily by force but automatically. Naturally, this will come. But now, there is lots of inconvenience when you have multiple languages. We also have to eliminate and abolish discrimination of races. How wonderful it would be to see very soon a proclamation along these three lines announced, in the United States very soon! How wonderful it will be!

We have to know the heavenly mission, that the next, third seven-year course, centering on him, will be accomplishing in this area. So we have to make up our minds not to be behind in this dispensation. Together we have to fulfill by all means. Can you do it? If you have a faith in this, if you have confidence, he will do it with you. He will create some miracles. Then we, you and the True Parents will become one. This is an accomplishment of another dimension -- a spiritual dimension-for pure American citizens to complete the three-day prayer and fast.

The IOWC commanders from overseas are just spectators at this time. If they don't like this statement, they can do the same thing in their own country. Then automatically the True Parents will be attracted to go to their country too, when America does not fulfill its job. Father is concentrating in case of no success in this nation centering on his will, a secondary nation. He is already meditating on this. In the worst case-if all America is doomed to be destroyed, although I don't believe it will be -- Father will pick you all up and go together somewhere. Then in that case, you Americans will become citizens of one of the European countries. You wouldn't like that to happen, would you?

There are so many obstacles in front of him. You have to take responsibility to get rid of all bad things, and to clear the way for him. You are responsible for it.

Father did not come to this country by invitation from you people-he came by himself, because God the Father sent him. That's why he came, because God's will remains in this country. If His will is finished, maybe Father may go back to his own country, but because of God the Father's will, he had to come. This is a historical tragedy facing America. No one else except our True Parents can save this condition. Through your hands and your bodies it is possible. Can you save all Americans? Do you have confidence? Really? I can never trust you. Do you want me to trust you? Would you like to pledge to this? I trust you.

With all this determination, new direction, and new instructions, you will march forward through the beautiful land of America, enjoy all the sunshine and atmosphere. You have a new field to work in, so you think: "I am the sun of the new hope, child of the new hope." You have to be proud of yourself to be the hopeful sun. You are the hopeful sunshine in the sky. With that hope, you have to set your mind. You have to clear all dark clouds or storms in the air, and spend all the time looking at the sunshine, coming from the sun. You will be stable; you will be marching forward. Can you do it? Will you do it? Raise your hands please, and stand up.