Ref. No. FFWPUI 2003-62
To: Continental Directors, Regional Leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International Headquarters
Date: October 29, 2003
Re: True Parents’ Directions on the 44th True Children’s Day
May the blessing of God and True Parents be with all leaders throughout the world, who are working to build God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk.
The 44th True Children’s Day was successfully held at Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center with True Parents, attended by some five thousand leaders and other members from Korea and Japan, and the 84 Ambassadors for Peace representing 7 nations who had been selected from the 840 members mobilized for the Abel United Nations Rally in the United States.
We would like to inform you about True Father’s speech and instructions during the 44th True Children's Day. Please be prepared to implement these instructions.
1. The Cosmic Parent; The Parents of Heaven and Earth; The Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
[From Father’s speech:] The Cosmic Parents are the internal (mind) parents; the Parents of Heaven and Earth are the external (body) parents; the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are the substantial parents. Since God was unable to become the Parent of mankind because of the fall, God’s ideal of creation and wish is to become the Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This means that the intangible God has become the Father of all people. I am proclaiming the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind because I have to teach you everything on this day, the 44th True Children’s Day.
1) Establish a family of three generations in substantial form
[From Father’s speech:] Due to the fall, a family of three generations was not realized. The purpose of God’s creation was to create God’s family centering on His love. Therefore blessed families must substantially perfect their love through three generations as the object of God who is the substantial entity of love. In order to do this, blessed families must have at least three children. With two children there is no development. Only when you have three can you create a people and nation and become parents of heaven, earth and humankind.
2) Inauguration of the Peace United Nations
[From Father’s speech:] I am creating the Abel United Nations because the existing United Nations has not fulfilled its mission. This (Abel UN) must move the hearts of the Cain United Nations, save it and lead it all the way to the kingdom of peace. The domain of heaven lies in the individual and the family, but the United Nations, from which the family has been taken away, cannot establish the tradition of the nation. The Abel United Nations must fulfill this mission.
Based on the format of the Inaugural Assembly of the Peace UN held in New York, U.S.A. and Seoul, each nation is asked to hold an inaugural assembly for the Peace UN.
3) Become the king of your clan
[From Father’s speech:] You must restore the tribes under each family name and become the king of your tribe. On that foundation we must create a national king and engraft him to the world.
2. Declaration of the Three Great Speeches
Recently True Father proclaimed the following the Three Great Speeches:
1) The Owners of Re-creation
August 15, 2003 – Seoul Declaration Rally
2) The Elimination of National Boundaries and World Peace
October 3, 2003 – Inaugural Assembly of the Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC) in New York
3) Let Us Build the Peace Kingdom through the Peace United Nations
October 15, 2003 – Inaugural Assembly of the Peace United Nations, Korean Headquarters
NB: The words “Peace United Nations” were used to describe the IIPC at the event in Korea
※ These three speeches (which are being slightly re-edited) will be sent to you soon.
They will also be available on the FFWPU International web site (
These three speeches are a world level declaration that will renew the world in the Last Days.
Leaders of each nation must resonate with and become one with the heart of True Father at the time he prepared these important speeches.
Leaders and other members from each nation must read these three speeches hundreds and thousands of times so that they can recite all three speeches by heart.
Leaders and other members around the world must convey these three speeches to all neighbors and relatives who have reached the age of eight, and to even the smallest villages. To this end, you may deliver these speeches directly or, for example, have them broadcast on TV or radio. Thus, you must declare these three speeches in such a way that every single person will hear them, so that you can make them into citizens of the new nation.
3. Tongban Gyeokpa (Activities in the local neighborhood and community)
Tongban Gyeokpa is the perfection of the Blessing.
You must bless all your relatives, and your clan and tribe.
Sun Jo Hwang
International President